Condyloma Treatment, Pécs (Gynaecology) 2 clinics' services (103 Gynecologist, 101 Midwife)
Description, questions
The condyloma acuminata - Hungarian genital warts, warts - caused by the virus is the most common female genital lesions. The treatment is usually successful, because after a few warts brush in a solution called podophyllin or Condyline usually disappears. If this treatment does not work, the warts can be removed surgically (scratch-off local anesthesia, leégethetők, may be frozen)
Laser-Derm Kft.
Dermatologist Gynecologist Proctologist Plastic surgeon Allergist Vascular surgeon Surgeon Heart surgeon Midwife
7632 Pécs, Kertváros u. 58. 3a.
Bőrgyógyászat Pécs
Dermatologist Gynecologist Proctologist Plastic surgeon Allergist Vascular surgeon Surgeon Heart surgeon Midwife
7632 Pécs, Keszűi u.43